Friday, June 13, 2008

Getting Started

"Our Divine Vocation" was the title of my first sermon preached on a Sunday in April, 1983. That morning Rev. Bob Young called a Charge Conference for First United Methodist Church in Grand Prairie, Texas to respond to my sermon and vote to affirm me as a candidate for the ordained ministry. The text for that day was Luke 4:18-19, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon bring good news..." And while I was working through the call of God on my life, I was asking the congregation to reflect upon God's call on their lives. For although I was responding to a specific call of God in my personal life, all of us, in the church, live out of a covenant call which is our divine vocation.

That was twenty five years ago. The idea of "our divine vocation" is still intriguing to me and I want to use this blog space to continue to pursue it's meaning in our church life today.

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